After Iran, Venezuela? Is Chavez Next?

“The build-up against Venezuela that began during the George W. Bush administration has rapidly accelerated under Obama.” – Eva Golinger, author of  “The Chávez Code: Cracking US Intervention in Venezuela” Attorney and activist Eva Golinger has…

Unaccountable: US Private Military Contractor Abuses

Wherever they’re deployed, they’re menacing and feared for good reason. Known historically by various names, they include mercenaries, soldiers of fortune, dogs of war, and Condottieri for wealthy city state leaders and the Papacy in…

Can Iran Defeat the US in a Major War?

US President Dwight Eisenhower used to say that his country would achieve peace even if it takes a war. Naturally, what he had in mind was the kind of peace acceptable to Washington. Shortly before…

China – USA: Struggle for Control of Pacific

Asia – Pacific region is attracting the increasing attention of Western politicians against the backdrop of Chinese growing military and economic might. For instance the US influence had been indisputable until recently but today China’s…

Cancer Experiments with Presidents of Latin America by US CIA

In a series of his public speeches Hugo Chaves called an “epidemic” of cancer among Latin American presidents a strange and alarming phenomenon. This hard to cure desease was identified in case of Chavez himself, Paraguayan president Fernando Lugo, Dilma Rouseff and Lula da Silva (Brazil), Crisitina Fernandez (Argentina). All of them are known as left of the center politicians struggling to expedite Latin America’s integration process and to get rid of the US dominance in the Western Hemisphere. Chavez let drop words about empires that go to any length to achieve their goals. The Washington’s response didn’t keep waiting. Victoria Nuland, US State Department official spokesperson, said the Chavez’ words were “horrific and reprehensible.” That is they were perceived by the Obama administration as imputation of using special biological technologies to cause cancer among Latin American leaders not friendly towards the USA.

DPR Korea, USA and The World: Part II

Many in the South, too, had also attempted to go to north. However, none of them had succeeded to go, though they’d tried hard. Of course, needless to say, it was due to Lee Myongbak regime’s obnoxiously confrontational anti-north policy. At the moment, the disapproval rate for Lee is now “close to 80%” of South Korean population. After 4 years of continued failures, miseries and despair among many Koreans in all walks of life, he has become “the most hated, despised or disapproved” figure not only by a great majority number of people in the South but also in the North and in many overseas Korean communities around the globe as well. Two widows of former President Kim Dae Jung and former Hyungdai-Asan Corp CEO Chung Mong Hun, however, were the only exceptions. But, in fact like all others in the South, they were also not allowed to attend at Kim’s funeral but to pay a simple tribute only to the deceased Kim on the 26th of December and return back to Seoul immediately afterward. What that meant was they were allowed to stay in Pyongyang for about a half day only, not even a full day. Many argue therefore the only exception for two widows’ less than a full day trip to north through Panmunjom at the 38th Parallel was a “political cover-up of Lee’s typical dirty politics with full of lies as his despicable trademark.”