Only by crushing Eurofascism and expelling the Anglo-Saxon fascists from the Old Continent can the world be saved from a nuclear holocaust.

After the collapse of Nazi Germany, the Americans entered Western Europe with the firm intention of staying there forever, and to be completely honest, they never really hid it from us.

The first Secretary General of NATO, the British general and diplomat, Hastings Ismay, explained the essence of the founding of the military alliance, which he headed, in a short but more than precise and vivid formulation, saying that its goal is “to keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.”

Lord Ismay was admittedly not American, but today many would consider him a typical, arrogant Anglo-Saxon fascist, and we should not really be surprised that a Briton was such an ardent advocate of an American military presence on the Old Continent.

His military-political motto became not only the cornerstone of Atlanticism in Europe but, over the course of almost eight decades, evolved into its far more extreme variant.

The goal of the Anglo-Saxon plutocratic elites today is for the Americans to militarily control all of Europe and to continue their aggressive expansion towards Siberia, to bring the Russians to their knees and make them beg for mercy, and to keep down not only the Germans but also the French and all other European nations — all of this, of course, at the expense of the Europeans themselves, who are expected not only to pay the hefty costs of their own occupation but also to finance the insane Anglo-Saxon proxy war against Russia, which is being waged through the previously occupied Ukraine.

As we all know, after the 2014 coup, directed by the CIA and MI6, Ukraine was deprived of real democracy, freedom, and its authentic national identity, while Ukrainians were pushed into a war against the inexhaustible military, human, and economic potential of the Russian Federation.

The hapless Ukrainians are expected to fight to the last in order to revive America’s recessionary economy by more forcefully spinning the flywheel of its infamous military-industrial complex.

This, by the way, is one of two favorite tricks that Americans learned during World War II, when they saved themselves from the Great Depression by starting a massive military industry. America’s second favorite trick is, of course, just participating in war and wantonly plundering other people’s resources.

Although the American calculation in all this is clear to everyone, the interests of Ukraine and Europe are certainly quite different.

Does Europe really want the fate of Ukraine to befall it, that is, to enter into an endless military conflict now not only with Russia but also with the power of Eurasia that rises protectively behind it?

Do the Europeans really want to die in America’s dirty war to the last while the Anglo-Saxons watch it all from a safe distance and count the money earned? What mysterious force keeps the Europeans in a subordinate position in relation to the U.S. and makes them work against their interests?

The idea of not only an economic but also a political association of European peoples was so promising in its beginnings and had a large number of supporters, not only among members of the European business elite and politicians but also among ordinary people.

Europeans enthusiastically believed that it was the beginning of a new, glorious, and fortunate age in which, united, they would find the strength to protect their own interests by resolutely opposing American hegemony and finally expelling the Anglo-Saxons from their continent.

Contrary to all those childishly naive expectations, thirty years later, it became obvious that, as if by some political black magic, all the institutions of the European Union found themselves under a much tighter political, ideological, financial, and military control of Washington than was the case with the foreign policies of once sovereign European nations before their political unification.

What’s worse, a fundamentally noble idea, such as the European one, merged with the criminal ideology of NATO into a single, now unfortunately difficult to separate, and not at all noble military-political concept known as Euro-Atlanticism.

Of the 27 member states of the EU, as many as 21 are also members of the North Atlantic Alliance, and by all accounts, Finland and Sweden will join them very soon.

At the same time, three more NATO members, Albania, North Macedonia, and Montenegro, started negotiations on membership with the EU, which indicates a clear trend toward an even deeper foundation of the Euro-Atlantic phenomenon, which completely cancels everything that was ever good about the idea of a politically united Europe.

Turkey could theoretically have become a part of that same Euro-Atlanticism if it had not been made to know so many times, in a typically Western, smooth, but hypocritical way, that it was not, in fact, welcome in a united Europe.

Let’s just remember Sarkozy’s statement about how Turkey is too big, too poor, and too culturally different for Europe’s doors to ever be open to it.

That’s why it could easily happen that in the near future, and after having, by all accounts, permanently given up on fulfilling the humiliating conditions necessary for the continuation of European integration, Turkey will completely return to its original national being, leave NATO, and look for a brighter future in Eurasian integration with Russia, China, Iran, and other countries of Eurasia.

Instead of the political unification of Europe bringing the desired release from the constraints of American omnipresence, it only deepened the subjugation of European nations to the interests of overseas plutocratic elites.

Thus, on the one hand, the EU completely failed all the expectations of the nations and citizens of its members, i.e., ordinary people, while on the other hand, the European business and political elites found the calculation to continue artificially keeping this badly patched political Frankenstein’s monster alive.

The interests of the elites, of course, have never been identical to the interests of ordinary people, and therefore it is not surprising that one of the most frequent criticisms of the EU concerns the ideologies and practices of the European business and political elites.

Another very common and justifiably repeated criticism refers to the lack of democracy and the absence of transparency in the institutions of the EU.

The third fierce criticism of the EU concerns the fact that its institutions have created an unnecessarily cumbersome bureaucratic apparatus that is not only too expensive to maintain but also slows down economic processes, while at the same time harsh austerity measures are being introduced that mercilessly affect ordinary citizens.

The EU has also created a whole series of other major problems such as uncontrolled migration, job losses, the collapse of living standards, and the impoverishment of the working class.

However, what turned out to be the absolute biggest problem, and which will surely lead to either the disintegration of the European Union or some kind of European perestroika, is the fact that it destroys the national sovereignty and traditional cultures of its member states.

There is not much left of the former defiance and contempt for American imperialism in the ranks of mainstream European politicians.

Instead of Europe fighting for its interests with united forces, it seems that it is on the way to merging into some kind of concept of a new superstate under the working title of “the United States of America and Europe”, and this is happening mainly thanks to the Euro-Atlantic ideology that equated the interests of the nations of Europe with the interests of NATO.

Because of all this, today the phenomenon of Eurofascism is justifiably spoken of as an ideological and political cannibal that kills and devours its children.

Although Eurofascism is very smooth and sweet-talking, its essence is still cruelty, and although this makes it less brutal than its ideological predecessors, it is far more hypocritical and perfidious.

Mussolini and Hitler were thugs and villains, but they were quite honest about what they were doing, while modern Eurofascism goes about its business with a polite smile and wearing plush gloves.

If the European fascists of the 20th century were ultra-nationalists, modern Eurofascism seems to rest on the motto “Europa über alles”, but it is only an illusion because it is more than obvious that the European nations are governed from the other side of La Manche and the Atlantic.

There are many other reasons that compel us to call the current rule of European business and political elites an innovative form of fascism, and here we will list some of the most important moments.

First of all, the authoritarianism of the bureaucracy of the most important institutions of the European Union, which is imposed on its citizens as a necessary means to allegedly protect democracy and human rights, is undeniable.

In fact, there are numerous mechanisms to completely bypass national parliamentary democracies and implement the will of the European administration at all costs, no matter how harmful it is for a particular nation of the EU.

As for the persecution of the political opposition, fortunately there are still no mass arrests of their members and concentration camps, but that is why they are still very effectively suppressed by simply denying funding.

This may not always leave them barely surviving and paralyzing their work entirely, but it certainly puts them in a very unequal position compared to the favorites of the elites.

The Anglo-Saxon plutocratic and European business elites, of course, have no interest in funding left-wing and right-wing populist political parties that provide strong resistance to American hegemony and the European establishment by espousing beliefs such as Euroscepticism, anti-globalism, sovereignism, or conservative traditionalism, and that is why the winners of elections are generally known in advance.

The next characteristic of Eurofascism, which brings it into direct connection with the darkest pages of European history of the last century, is the tendency to strongly discipline the entire society with liberal, that is, when it comes to the economy, neoliberal doctrines.

At the same time, although social mobility exists, the citizens of the European Union are increasingly resentful because there is a general impression that young Europeans, compared to the older generations, have much fewer opportunities to achieve their professional and family goals.

The children of workers will most likely end up as workers themselves, while the children of more educated and better paid parents will have a better chance of getting a higher education and good jobs themselves.

This means that the social hierarchy in the EU is rigid and difficult to change, and although this is far less pronounced than in classic fascist societies, there is still a worrying trend of decreasing social mobility.

Summa summarum, Eurofascism simply works against the best interests of the nations and citizens of its member states, and it does so very meticulously, zealously, and ruthlessly.

If Eurofascism with its features mentioned so far, lags behind its predecessors, two of its worst features make it truly full-blooded fascism.

The propaganda machinery of the EU is not only worthy of Joseph Goebbels, but it is safe to say that as a means of collective indoctrination it has surpassed the achievements of its great guru.

European mass media like to brag about their supposed independence and objectivity, but they are managed from only a few centers of power. Euro-propaganda completely denies the necessity of dialogue and debate, and instead the final conclusions of various experts covering all possible aspects of social and political life are brutally imposed on the public.

Therefore, the only thing left for Europeans is to make an effort to believe in what they are asked to accept as indisputable truth.

In the EU, criticism and free thought are not only becoming more and more unwelcome, but are increasingly being qualified as a punishable offense. At the end of the indictment, since the European Union is inseparable from NATO, militarism is a crime that gives Eurofascism a character that completely exposes it.

If we were to compare Europe under Hitler’s occupation with today’s Euro-Atlantic one, we would see a huge number of similarities, including the effort to conquer Lebensraum in the East by military force.

Among the differences, the most striking are these three: Eurofascism is much softer in relation to its citizens; it is not in conflict with the Anglo-Saxon elites but is subordinate to them; and finally, Europe is no longer governed from Berlin but from Washington and London, which could mean that the Russians will this time have to liberate not only continental capitals but also overseas ones.

The ever self-satisfied European elites are greatly mistaken if they think that the terrifying ramparts of repressive police systems they have erected between themselves and increasingly disaffected Europeans will be able to protect them from the growing anger of ordinary people for much longer.

March started very badly for the Euro-Atlanticists. First, several tens of thousands of angry but dignified and proud citizens of Slovakia gathered in Bratislava for the “March for Peace,” where they resolutely demanded that their country withdraw from NATO as a matter of urgency, stop arming Ukraine, and instead establish the best possible relations with Russia.

“Anglo-Saxon fascists out!”; “Slovaks and Russians — brothers forever!” shouted the demonstrators in the streets of the Slovak capital and cheered for Russia and Putin.

A week later, tens of thousands of angry Czechs, for who knows how many times in the past six months, took to the streets of defiant Prague, which had gathered hundreds of thousands of participants in similar protests before.

In this latest, rather explosive revolt, citizens protested against poverty as a result of the proxy war that NATO is waging against Russia in Ukraine.

“Stop the war, stop NATO!” shouted the dissatisfied Czechs, asking their government to finally address the problems of the Czech citizens instead of arming the Ukrainian Nazis.

Just a day later, thousands of equally angry citizens of Sofia took to the squares and streets of the Bulgarian capital for demonstrations with a clear message: “NATO out!” Such protests are increasing throughout the European Union, and more and more people are participating in them despite open threats from the police and ministries of internal affairs that such manifestations will not be tolerated.

To the dismay of the ruling Euro-Atlantic elites, Russian flags and symbols of Russian Special Military Operations are flying in the cities of France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Slovakia…

As expected, the European mainstream media, as part of the Eurofascist propaganda machine, completely ignored or censored reports on all these events, but the truth could not be hidden.

To the great delight of many, social networks were flooded with recordings, photos, and reports from all these numerous and massive protests against NATO and poverty, the culmination of which is still expected at the beginning of April.

Throughout the EU, even before February 2022, there was growing concern about the rising cost of living, but things are now slowly becoming unbearable for its citizens.

Official surveys from November last year showed that the majority of Romanians, Poles, and Portuguese believe that their lives have gone in a very bad direction — downhill. Slovaks, Estonians, and Croats are the most dissatisfied, while Greeks and Belgians believe that their position in the European Union will worsen even more.

And while ordinary Europeans are tormented by growing financial headaches that are directly related to NATO’s involvement in the Ukrainian war, the names of European leaders are increasingly and publicly linked to numerous financial embezzlements, tax evasion, and other exposed scandals.

For example, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz recently found himself in the spotlight when he was publicly accused of abusing his political influence to help Warburg Bank avoid paying back 47 million euros in illegal tax refunds.

The same Scholz pretends not to know that the sanctions of the collective West against Russia, designed by the Americans, cause the most damage to Germany.

Another high-profile European politician, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, also found herself on the pole of shame when an official investigation was launched against her in connection with murky dealings in the procurement of COVID-19 vaccines.

There are reasonable suspicions that von der Leyen contracted for the procurement of vaccines even though she did not have the authority to do so herself. This is not her first affair.

As the German Minister of Defense, Ursula von der Leyen was accused of awarding the most lucrative contracts to one and the same manufacturers, and it seems that in order to cover up these shady deals, she deleted all incriminating data from her phone.

We could also mention the scandals involving Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, French Minister Damien Abad, and many others because the list of European politicians’ scandals is long, which suits the interests of the USA very well.

Specifically, corrupt politicians who are under strong public pressure and are under investigation are very easy to manipulate due to their vulnerability.

Is it any wonder then that Olaf Scholz and Ursula von der Leyen, whose names have been used here as an example of the involvement of European politicians in scandals, are inveterate russophobes, warmongers, and all in all, “useful idiots” for the interests of the Anglo-Saxon plutocratic elites?

The citizens of the European Union are becoming more and more aware of a fact that cannot leave them indifferent.

Thanks to the political elites who represent them, ordinary Europeans will not only be forced to bear the largest part of the costs of the Anglo-Saxon war against Russia, but similarly to the Ukrainians, in the very near future they will also have to pay for that war with their lives.

Thanks to the arrogance and recklessness of Eurofascists, decent Europeans can expect only deep poverty, hunger, war and death. That is why we are not surprised by the dramatic increase in Euroscepticism in almost all member states of the EU, and what is especially important, in France and Germany.

All those anti-NATO protests in the countries of Eastern Europe, no matter how much they are based on indisputable truths and noble ideas, will not succeed in thwarting the aggressive plans of the Euro-Atlanticists without the full support of the rebellious French and Germans.

The collapse of Eurofascism and the expulsion of the Anglo-Saxon fascists from the Old Continent are only possible if the two largest Western European nations, which participated in the creation of the EU, decide to do so.

Only the citizens of France and Germany have not only the necessary courage, but also the strength and numbers to stand up to the dictates of the Brussels fascists, and this especially applies to the traditionally revolutionary-minded French, whose intolerance of injustice is written in their genetic code.

French President Macron, a typical European elitist, Euro-Atlanticist, and arrogant globalist loyal to overseas power centers but completely blind and deaf to the interests of ordinary citizens of France, has been in open conflict with his own people for some time.

Macron’s image with the French public has been permanently damaged, and at this point, support for his coalition in the electorate has fallen to just 22%. The French president showed some flexibility in 2018 and 2019 and somehow managed to politically survive the Yellow Vest Movement, but it seems likely that he will have to back down in the face of persistent and fierce unrest caused by his pension reform.

Millions of French people who are not ready to give up their struggle are taking part in these protests in more than 30 cities in France.

Namely, Macron, justifiably fearing that his government would not be able to secure the necessary majority in order to adopt the bill on raising the retirement age from 62 to 64, which was done at the request of the European Union, decided to use the infamous Article 49.3 of the French constitution, which allows laws to be promulgated without having to be voted on in parliament.

A vote of no confidence in the government on March 20 was the last chance to stop this unpopular law, but it did not happen. The French government survived, but with only nine votes.

Thus, bypassing the parliament, the law on pension reform was pushed through by force. Citizens of France, especially in large cities such as Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, and Toulouse, have been peacefully protesting against the controversial bill since January, but the news of its adoption without a vote in parliament immediately radicalized the situation.

Protest gatherings of citizens became more massive, explosive, and violent, which was certainly contributed to by the brutality of the French police and gendarmes.

Excessive use of force and random arrests of protesters by law enforcement officers led to strong protests by the French far right and far left, and the French Defender of Rights, Claire Hédon, and Amnesty International also reacted.

Schools are closed across France, airports are blocked, rail traffic is at a standstill, many refineries have stopped working, there is a shortage of fuel, and due to strikes, interruptions in the supply of electricity are also threatened.

On the streets of Paris, due to the strike of city sanitation workers, tons of garbage are piling up, so that the city of light has been overrun by rats. It is a tragic picture of Macron’s France today, but also a mirror of the European Union.

If in the beginning the protesters demanded the stopping of the controversial pension bill in a peaceful manner and parallel to the workers’ strikes, now there has been not only a radicalization of the protests but also the unification of numerous other demands into a single front.

In France, there is now an open rebellion against Macron’s rule, against the further arming of Ukraine, and against NATO membership. If, based on the way he categorized the unrest in Iran, we were to apply Macron’s own standards to the current state of affairs in France, we would conclude that the French president is facing nothing less than an open revolution.

In any case, citizen dissatisfaction is growing in Europe, which is becoming more and more dangerous, as evidenced by the largest strike in Germany in the last 30 years, due to low wages, i.e., drastic price increases and a drop in the purchasing power of ordinary people.

According to some polls, as many as 55% of German citizens supported this mass strike organized by the Railway and Transport Union (EVG) and the United Services Trade Union (Verdi) that practically brought the entire country to a standstill.

Finally, thousands of dissatisfied Czechs took to the streets of Prague again on March 29, this time protesting against the announcement of a reform of the pension system that is even worse than the one imposed on the French, but the culprit is the same — the European Union.

Last August, the Minister of Justice of the Czech Republic, Pavel Blažek, warned that the crisis in the energy sector, as a result of the conflict between the EU and Russia, could lead to a pan-European revolution and threaten the very survival of the European Union.

It is safe to say that the current situation in Europe is indeed pre-revolutionary, but not only because of the energy crisis but also because of numerous other consequences of the war in Ukraine, and mainly because European leaders have proven in front of the eyes of the whole world that the EU does not have its own independent foreign policy but is completely subordinate to Washington.

Therefore, this is no longer just a conspiracy theory.

The evident increase in anti-American sentiment in Europe is proof that the citizens of the EU are very aware of this huge problem that no one will be able to hide under the carpet anymore.

Although the European nations have nothing to gain and can lose absolutely everything by participating in the American proxy war against Russia, the leaders of the EU have chosen a course that is diametrically opposed to the most vital interests of its citizens.

The EU is now faced not only with an energy crisis but also with a dramatic increase in the cost of living, a weakening of the economy, inflation, and rising interest rates.

Even worse, according to many financial experts, the collapse of American banks could very quickly be transmitted to Europe through a chain reaction and lead to complete chaos.

French academic Thierry de Montbrial, executive chairman of the French Institute of International Relations and founder and chairman of the World Policy Conference, warned of how much damage the sanctions against Russia are causing to the European economy.

The most vital economies of the European Union, France, Germany, and Italy, had very strong economic ties with Russia before the start of the war in Ukraine, which also means that the economic stability of the entire EU largely depended on good relations with Moscow, which are now seriously and perhaps irreparably damaged.

De Montbrial claims that Europe is in serious danger of impoverishment, while the USA could be “the big winner from this war” in economic terms.

On the monolithic structure of Eurofascism as an essential but freakish political entity of the EU, a deep crack is visible that clearly hints at its imminent collapse. If there had been no war in Ukraine, the character of that totalitarian and undemocratic political monstrosity might never have become so obvious to the vast majority of Europeans.

What is needed today, not only by France, but also by all of Europe, is the best of authentic Gaullism. De Gaulle, unlike Macron, who these days is threatened by protesters with the fate of Louis XVI, was a righteous leader of his people, a true patriot, a great Eurosceptic, and a fierce sovereignist who adhered to the “Anglo-Saxons out” principle.

He managed not only to fight for complete independence from the USA, which Europeans today could only dream of, but also to resolutely oppose the British and all others whom he considered harming the interests of France.

Thus, in 1966, de Gaulle withdrew France, which he had previously made the third nuclear power in the world, from the joint command of NATO, and there is no doubt that he would do the same today, since he was intimately sympathetic to Russia and believed that it was part of European civilization.

It is clear that there will be more and more violent protests across Europe and that a European revolution is on the horizon. That emerging revolution has two strong arms, the left and the right, because only with two hands can the monster of Eurofascism be strangled.

Only by crushing Eurofascism and expelling the Anglo-Saxon fascists from the Old Continent can the world be saved from a nuclear holocaust.

And who knows, maybe at the end of that revolution, Lord Ismay will roll over in his grave because the Anglo-Saxon fascists will be out, the Russians within their historical borders, and the French, Germans, and other European nations will no longer have to kneel before anyone.



By Davor Slobodanovich Vuyachich

Published by SCF



Republished by The 21st Century

The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of



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