The Rothschild’s South Sudan Oil Grab

On July 9, 2011 South Sudan became the world’s 193rd nation. Less than a week later violence has erupted in South Kordofan, an area on the new border between Sudan and South Sudan which is controlled by Sudan and rich in oil. Not content with the seizure of South Sudan’s oilfields, the Rothschild-led Eight Families banking cartel looks set to push the new border further north, grabbing yet more crude oil from the Sudanese people.

For decades Western intelligence agencies backed the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in an attempt to lop off the southern half of Sudan for the Four Horsemen of Oil. The region contains 75% of Sudan’s oil reserves. What became Africa’s longest running civil war finally came to an end when Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir was pressured into ceding the southern part of his country to the IMF/World Bank vampires after the conflict they created left more than 2 million people dead. [1]

Within days of declaring itself a sovereign nation, South Sudan’s state oil company, Nilepet formed a joint venture with Glencore International Plc to market its oil. Glencore is controlled by the Rothschilds. The PetroNile joint venture will be 51 percent controlled by Nilepet and 49 percent by Glencore. [2]

On Friday South Sudan’s new President Salva Kiir Mayardit signed a law formally establishing the Central Bank of South Sudan. Sudan is one of five countries – along with Cuba, North Korea, Syria and Iran – whose central bank is not under the control of the Rothschild-led Eight Families central banking cartel. It is therefore no coincidence that the currency of this newest Rothschild oil fiefdom is called the South Sudan Pound. [3]

Already in 1993 Sudanese President al-Bashir had accused Saudi Arabia of providing arms to Johnny Garung’s Sudanese People’s Liberation Army (SPLA).  The Israeli Mossad also supplied the SPLA for years through Kenya with CIA approval.  In 1996 the Clinton Administration announced that military aid to Ethiopia, Eritrea and Uganda was to be used to arm the SPLA for an offensive on Khartoum. [4]

When that bloody endeavor failed, the Eight Families henchmen began arming rebels in Chad. Chad has long been an important country in both Exxon Mobil and Chevron Texaco’s North Africa oil production schemes. Chadian President Idriss Déby , who came to power in 1991, was cozy with Big Oil. He also ranked 16th on Parade Magazine’s 2009 World’s Worst Dictator list. [5]

The Chad-based rebels had two purposes. The CIA’s House of Saud paymaster provided support for the National Front for Salvation (NFS), which attempted to overthrow Libyan President Mohamar Qaddafi. In 1990, following a successful Libyan-backed counter-coup against the Chad government which was sponsoring the NFS, the US evacuated 350 NFS leaders with Saudi financing.  The US restored $5 million in aid to the dictatorial Kenyan government of Daniel Arap Moi so that Kenya would house the NFS leaders, whom other African governments refused to take.  Arap Moi later figured in CIA covert operations in Somalia, where the Saudis had also financed counterinsurgency. [6]

Western intelligence agencies then used the government of Chad to finance the Justice & Equality Movement (JEM). From bases in Chad, these terrorists launched forays into the Darfur region of Sudan, creating a massive refugee crisis, while opening a second northern front in Big Oil’s SPLA-led southern flank war against Sudan. [7]

Western media predictably blamed the conflict in Darfur completely on the Sudanese government and the liberal idiocracy was led along by their naive noses, ala Yugoslavia. In March 2009 the Eight Families’ favorite kangaroo court – the International Criminal Court (ICC) – charged Sudanese President al-Bashir with war crimes. There was no mention of JEM in the ICC charges.

By the end of August 2006, Chad’s President Déby had taken a left turn, calling for Chad to get a 60% stake of its domestic oil output after decades of receiving “crumbs” from the foreign companies which ran the industry. He singled out Chevron and Petronas for refusing to pay taxes totalling $486.2 million. [8]

In 2008 Sudanese President al-Bashir attended Déby’s re-election inauguration, signaling a warming of relations that would eventually end the Darfur conflict. With al-Bashir still sitting atop huge oil reserves, the Eight Families now cooked up a plan for South Sudan to cecede from Sudan. Reeling from the constant attacks on his people which had left two million dead, al-Bashir was forced into agreeing with the split.

With violence already flaring in Sudanese-controlled and oil-rich South Kordofan, it appears that the SPLA and their Glencore/Rothschild sponsors are not content to have stolen most of Sudan’s oilfields. The vampires want them all.

[1] “South Sudan: The World’s Newest Fragile Oil-Rich Petrostate.” John Daly. 7-11-11

[2] “South Sudan’s Oil Company Forms Joint Venture With Glencore to Sell Oil.” Matt Richmond. 7-12-11.

[3] “South Sudan Establishes Central Bank As It Receives Its New Currency”. BNO News. 7-15-11

[4] “US to Aid Regimes to Oust Government”. David B. Ottaway. Washington Post. 11-10-96

[5] “The World’s Ten Worst Dictators”. Parade Magazine. 3-23-09

[6] “Mercenary Mischief in Zaire”. Jane Hunter. Covert Action Information Bulletin. Spring 1991.

[7] “Sudanese Warplanes Hit Darfur Rebels Inside Chad.” Sudan Tribune. 6-3-09

[8] “Petronas Disputes Chad’s Tax Claims.” Aljazeera. 8-30-06

Dean Henderson

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