Trump May Well Turn Out To Be More Of An Enemy To Zelensky Than Even Putin

The war is lost for Ukraine regardless of who wins the White House. 

It was frosty, awkward and the kind of media moment that President Zelensky of Ukraine would have preferred to have avoided. Trump offered an opportunity to rise to the mention of the word “Putin”. He could have said “we’re ready to work with him on a solution” or something similarly non-committal.

But Zelensky, who is gambling with his own presidency by not having western media advisers – or at least not listening to them if they exist – did not prepare for the media moment. He believes he is bigger than that and it showed.

Thrown, he mumbled something which pundits are still trying to decipher even now, which didn’t impress Trump who replied “it takes two to tango”. Trump’s point is that Zelensky has to come down from the clouds and look at the reality facing him.

The war is lost for Ukraine regardless of who wins the White House. And yet, the media gaffe showed the world what the author has been predicting for some time: Zelensky’s real enemy is not Putin.

It’s Trump.

If Trump comes to the conclusion early on that Zelensky is really the core of the problem in Ukraine, then he will very quickly show him in a matter of hours, if he wins the U.S. presidency, just which part of this U.S.-Ukraine relationship is the dog and which part is the tail.

It beggars belief that Zelensky, at this late stage in the game, is still clinging on to the preposterous if not deluded idea that he is in a position to negotiate anything. If he chose to work with Trump however, he would have some wiggle room.

If not, it will be a matter of days into the Trump presidency where we will see the implosion of Zelensky and his cabal as the Donald will hang him out to dry. It might well turn out that Putin might end up being someone to turn to in the storm as Zelensky will want to avoid a Ceaușescu finale to his term in office.

In reality he will flee in the dead of night on a private jet with one or two of his closest friends and live in Florida.

In many ways, a Harris win might appear to Zelensky as an even slower death, given that the aid packages and arms procurement are declining making a Ukrainian win harder to pull off. Not enough arms and what is sent is too little too late. And the infantry problem which never goes away.

Nowhere near enough men to give Russian forces a run for their money. And yet, facing a baptism of failure, Zelensky continues to kid himself. This is the consequence of destroying all media, shutting down opposition parties and silencing any dissidents who cry out common sense.

When you create exactly the scenario that Hitler did in the 30s, particularly with what was called “propaganda” then and what we commonly call “fake news” today, inevitably you start to believe it yourself. It’s the same venal, perverse relationship that Zelensky has with the West.

It’s an echo chamber and in such circumstances we should not be surprised that Zelensky has become so deluded with such a jarred view of his own circumstances and that of his own military.

With the on camera moment with Trump going so badly, one can only hope that backchannel talks with Zelensky’s people and those of Trump’s are going on to fix the gulf of what could at best be called miscommunication or at worst an ideological malaise.

Zelensky needs to listen to the Trump camp and show more respect to Trump as the quickest way to become and enemy of the Donald is to show irreverence and not take him seriously.

Was that awkward moment a breaking point? We will probably know in the coming days as it’s only a matter time before someone squeals to a social media influencer or pseudo journalist.

The problem for him is that no scenarios are good. All roads take him to a place he doesn’t want to go. But this is the price he must pay for being bullied into tearing up a peace treaty he signed with Putin in Istanbul which by now must be a sore wound that he constantly licks.

He messed up. How he reacts to his grave errors of judgement will decide how history writes his political eulogy. The word ‘hero’ is probably not going to make it in there.



By Martin Jay

Published by SCF



Republished by The 21st Century

The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of


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