The Unreasonableness of US “Nuclear Security Summit” in Seoul

The Lee Myung-bak regime is bent on embellishing the Nuclear Security Summit to be slated at the end of March, bragging about that it is the largest summit after establishment of south Korea and international function for global peace.

Owing to sinister schemes of Washington and Seoul administrations, it is apprehended that the summit would invite nuclear unrest not secure global stability from nukes.

The agenda of summit is unrealistic.

The agenda of summit is the supervision of nuclear materials.

The summit asserts the nuclear materials should not be in the hands of international terrorists. The summit carries little persuasion as it fails to mirror the desire of humanity against the nuclear fear.

Now the world is in the grip of unprecedented threat of nuclear scourge due to the US and West

Hence, the world people have been longing for nuclear-free world rather than stable management of nuclear materials that is no more than a guess. Many nations would discuss about how to check the proliferation of the nuclear materials not the world free from nuclear at the summit. It is quite disappointing.

It goes without saying that the US nukes presupposes use if necessary and it causes the world nuclear uneasiness.

The summit creates doubt as it is going to circulate dangerousness by inflating infeasible issues, pushing aside such serious problem.

From a historical point of view, the US is the world’s first developer and the greatest nuclear-have that inflicted nuclear disaster upon humanity.  The countries that faced the US nuclear threat vied to have nukes. With the result, the worldwide nuclear uneasiness is ubiquitous like today. If the US does not develop the nukes and does not menace humanity with it, the world would not be under constant crisis of the nukes.

In the view of the international conference discussing nuclear issues as desired by humanity, it is a proper measure to denounce the aggressive nuclear-haves menacing other sovereign states with the nukes and talk about to make the world free from nukes, instead of talking about the management of the nuclear materials.

It is a flat contradiction that the conference discusses the nuclear security or protection of transfer of nuclear materials, far from talking about 23 000 nuclear warheads deployed in the world.

It is illogical to talk about the world’s nuclear security and someone’s nuclear threat as the summit winks at the nuclear war maneuvers of the US. It departs from the principle of impartiality and equity of the world’s politics.

It would eventually produce the nuclear uneasiness rather than nuclear security as the agenda of summit is unrealistic.

The place of summit is unsuitable.

It is astounding to discuss the nuclear security in south Korea, the largest nuclear outpost and nuclear arsenal.

The nuclear instability on the Korean Peninsula is ascribable to the US and nuclear bases of the US troops in south Korea.

Washington persists in “no deny, no comment” on the nuclear weapons in south Korea for decades, however, it is an open secret.

The US introduced the nuclear weapons from the middle of the 1950s and about 1 000 nukes are hidden in US military bases in south Korea. The south Korean government declared the US tactical nukes had been withdrawn by 1991. The south Korean government does not now the presence of the nukes in south Korea by the US well-kept secret. A soldier, who serves in south Korean Augmentation Troops to US Army, stood in guard nukes store does not what is in the store. According to the declassified documents of the US administration, the US flying corps in Gunsan conducted a special exercise loaded with nukes. It was the exercise of nuclear attack and strike in formation. Nuclear war exercises have been conducted in south Korea throughout the year. The US submarines and aircraft carriers loaded with nuclear weapons are at liberty to move freely in and out of south Korea, continuing on the alert at all times.

Washington lards ongoing military drill Foal Eagle with the word of “annual.” It portends the US and south Korean troops are in full preparation to launch nuclear strike against north Korea.

It may fairly be said that the Korean nation has a nuclear time bomb that may go off anytime.

The nuclear materials are being produced in south Korean under the pretext of “research” owing to the Lee regime’s hostile policy towards north Korea and signals are shown to deploy new nukes of the US.

It is ridiculous to convene the Nuclear Security Summit where adventurous nuclear arsenal are.

The summit should be a place to punish the US and its followers, the chieftains of nuclear instability and to denounce the US and south Korean authorities’ policy of nuclear war.

The period of summit is wrongly chosen.

The south Korea-US nuclear war game against north Korea is being waged in south Korea and a nuclear war enough to annihilate humankind may break out by an accidental shot.

To cap it all, the nuclear war rehearsal would be in critical point when the summit is opened. It is out of sense that those who wish nuclear security sit together face to face when the war exercise is being conducted. It is quite lamentable.

Timed with the summit, the Lee regime resorts to scheme to justify their nuclear war rehearsal and drum up public support on the war maneuvers to strike north Korea with nuclear weapons

It is clear that those who would take part in the summit be blamed for they add wings to the creation of nuclear crisis of the Lee regime. It is a mockery of world people who are desirous of the world free from nukes, at the same time, it is an insult to the south Koreans who have been under fear of nuclear war.

The general election is approaching in south Korea.

The Lee government pursues wicked aim to cover up his crime that ruptured inter-Korean relations, eschew responsibility for it and divert public attention elsewhere by Lee’s hostile policies towards north Korea including “no nukes, opening and 3 000US$” during his tenure of office through the summit and achievements after the summit.

The Lee regime openly said that north Korean nuclear issue is not agenda but some nations would make statement or words. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of south Korea clamored that the north Korean nuclear issue would be staged to the summit. It resorts to scheme to publish joint statement or declaration against north Korea’s satellite Kwangmyongsong 3 to be launched in April. The above-mentioned facts reveal the Lee regime’s sinister aim to arrange international feast through expenditure of colossal amount of national funds.

In a word, the summit that is going to be held with a wrong agenda, in wrong place and at improper period would be the place slandering the same brethren by the Lee regime’s plot. The participants, who are going to take part in the summit against north Korea not for worldwide nuclear security, would leave unfavorable records for their real intention or ulterior motive.

In fair sense, the Nuclear Security Summit lost its justification by a cunning aim of the Lee clan.



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