The WEST, i.e., Zionist-Anglo-American Empire Finally Digging Their Grave As They Drive Catastrophic War in the Middle East

By endorsing Israeli aggression, the United States and its British and other Western lackeys are unleashing hostilities with incalculable consequences.

The American and British leaders are fully backing Israel to escalate its criminal aggression in the Middle East. In so doing, Washington and London are being exposed for the arch-criminal regimes that they are.

An all-out war against Iran is on the brink. The consequences will be abysmal, yet the U.S. and British rulers are shameless, reckless – and ultimately stupid – in their complicity.

In a few days, on October 7, the Israeli regime will have conducted 12 months of non-stop genocidal destruction of Gaza. There is no sign of that monstrous war of extermination coming to an end. The Israeli regime is completely out of control, acting with impunity and shocking violation of all laws and moral norms.

More than 41,000 Palestinian people have been killed. Some estimates put the real death toll at over 100,000 and even as high as 200,000.

This slaughter of women and children is supposed to be justified by the incursion of Palestinian militants on October 7 last year in which some 1,200 Israelis were killed – many of them by their own security forces using reckless firepower.

The Hamas incursion was in response to years of inhumane, genocidal siege on the Gaza Strip by Israel.

The actions of the Israeli regime are wholly indefensible. Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli leaders have gotten away with mass murder because of the diplomatic and – more importantly – military support from the United States, Britain and other Western states.

The genocide in Gaza and the other Palestinian enclave of the West Bank has been infernally compounded by Israel’s expansion of aggression in the region.

The past two weeks have seen Israeli forces indiscriminately bombing Beirut and other Lebanese civilian areas, causing 2,000 deaths and over one million people displaced from their homes. The orgy of violence is engulfing the entire region.

The Israeli regime is also bombing Syria, Iraq and Yemen, as well as Iran in assassination missions.

Israel’s murderous conduct has been going on for decades – indeed for 76 years since its inception as an illegal colonial state in 1948, established by British and American machinations at the then newly formed United Nations.

Invasions, annexations, air strikes, terrorism, assassinations, and much more are routine for the Western colonialist project known as Zionist Israel.

But now the regime is spinning out of control in its bloodlust and psychopathic mania fostered by the impunity afforded by Western sponsors.

This history of state terrorism has – and is – all fueled by Western imperialist powers who also believe in supremacy (euphemistically called exceptionalism) and privilege despite their disingenuous virtuous rhetoric to the contrary.

The Israeli regime and its fascist barbarism are a manifestation of the Western powers in their fundamental nature. The same nefarious violence and plunder was – and is – carried out in every corner of the planet that had the misfortune of Western encounter. Zionism is but a variant of Western imperialism.

Iran hit back this week with a massive attack involving at least 200 missiles, including hypersonic missiles, raining down on Israeli targets. The response from Iran has been up to now incredibly restrained despite the relentless provocations and acts of war perpetrated by Israel.

Even in the latest Iranian attacks, the targets were mainly military centers and aimed at avoiding civilian casualties.

Yet immediately, the United States and Britain rushed to condemn Iran for “barbaric aggression” and perversely declared their support for Israel’s right to self-defense. Such a travesty of lies and distortion. The truth is, that Iran was finally acting in legitimate self-defense.

U.S. President Joe Biden is coordinating with Israel to conduct “severe repercussions” on Iran. An attack by Israel and the U.S. is reportedly imminent on Iran’s oil industrial facilities. Biden has the braindead temerity to call this intended U.S.-Israeli aggravation a “proportionate response”.

Iran has warned the United States that its policy of unilateral restraint is now definitively over. Tehran has repeatedly said it does not want a regional war, but if Israel follows through on its latest threats of retaliation, then Iran will hit back with even greater force than already shown.

Ominously, Iran said it will deploy “unconventional” tactics. This is taken to mean closing the vital oil trade route through the Strait of Hormuz. The Middle East is the source of a third of the world’s oil supply.

If Iran shuts down the global oil supply then the world economy is heading for an unprecedented calamity. Already oil prices have begun to spike. If a war should engulf the region, the impact on the world economy will be catastrophic.

The United States, and the Biden administration in particular, have been fork-tongued in making absurd calls for “restraint” and even claiming to be advocating a “ceasefire”. This is while it is reported that the White House gave its approval for Israel to expand hostilities into Lebanon.

Washington’s talk of restraint is also while bankrolling and arming the Israeli regime to carry out its genocide and regional aggression. The U.S. has leverage over the Israeli client regime if it really wants to pursue a diplomatic resolution. But Washington has done nothing of the sort.

Indeed, it has increased its military supplies to the regime, granting an additional $9 billion last week. That’s a vivid, unconditional green light for more aggression. The British and other European states are also fully complicit in the warmongering.

This is because violence is the essential modus operandi of Western imperialism.

A concomitant factor here is the failure of the U.S.-led NATO proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. The Ukrainian NeoNazi regime (another Western manifestation) is falling apart under the weight of rapid Russian military gains in the Donbass region after nearly three years of conflict and a $200 billion investment by the NATO powers.

Russian forces captured the key logistical town of Ugledar this week, previously labeled an “impregnable” NATO fortress. In an attempt to conceal the debacle of impending defeat in Ukraine, the United States and its Western partners are shifting the focus by stoking chaos in the Middle East and a confrontation with Iran.

The criminal recklessness is staggering. Start a war, lose the war, start another war.

It is also incredibly stupid. By endorsing Israeli aggression, the United States and its British and other Western lackeys are unleashing hostilities with incalculable consequences. We are talking about several nations possibly being destroyed with millions of casualties.

Of all the myriad dire consequences, the Democrats will lose their coveted White House election in November. But that would be a relatively minor concern compared with the suffering and destruction that will consume the region and ultimately the Israeli regime and its Western imperialist sponsors.

The shaky, bankrupt Western capitalist economies are set to implode if an all-out war ensues in the Middle East. The ultimate irony is that the U.S. and its Western crime partners are digging their own graves as they instigate the unfolding mayhem.



By SCF Editorial

Published by SCF


Republished by The 21st Century

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