WHY The Israeli-Occupied Levant MUST BE LIBERATED, S.O.S.

You don’t negotiate with Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer… You stop them.

As fast as a snake’s thrust, Israel has taken the methods of mass murder used against Gaza’s civilians to the West Bank, to Lebanon and Syria, to Yemen and beyond. It is now launching about for the next country to attack, Iran.

This is the bloodiest in Israeli criminal annals. Still, it is the consensus among the best of people, pure-hearted and valiant all, that the only way to stop the Israeli State’s serial killers is passively and pacifistically—“for the U.S. to end all weapons shipments to Israel.” And, that “the only way that this will take place is if enough Americans make clear they have no intention of supporting any presidential ticket or any political party that fuels this genocide.”

So spoke Chris Lynn Hedges, veteran war correspondent and journalist. Another man of first quality is Professor Jeffrey Sachs. To put an end to Israel’s hourly slaying in Palestine and across the Levant, Professor Sachs, for one, recommends “stopping Israel’s ideology of genocide.”

By this he might mean a reeducation or denazification program of sorts. It is unclear, however, how “stopping” Israel’s “ideology of genocide” will end Israel’s actual, multi-fronted, high-tech, industrial-scale murder campaigns against Palestinians and their defending neighbors.

September-October Carnage

Life in the Israel-occupied Levant

At an astonishing clip, the Israeli criminal enterprise sped off to Lebanon. Israel’s lobbies and Western enablers have now extended tacit permission for Israel’s bombing campaign in Lebanon—visiting death and displacement on the villages of Southern Lebanon, and on the southern suburbs of Beirut, where, entire city blocks have been demolished with ground-penetrating, bunker-busting American bombs.

Within the span of two-three weeks, in 10,000 strikes, 93 percent of whichoriginated with Israel, some 2500 individuals had been murdered in Lebanon. A quarter of the population has been displaced, under eviction notice from their Israeli overlords. Israel’s bombing of civilians has extended from the Beqaa Valley, and the city of Baalbek, into Beirut, beyond the Dahiyeh, to the ancient Phoenician cities of Tripoli and Tyre, in northern Lebanon. Did I mention a strike on Lebanon’s only airport? Forgive: No sooner do the news chyrons of death and destruction by Demon State scroll across my screens than these are out of date.

Before the strafing of Lebanon now in progress—Israel had infiltrated that sovereign country’s supply chain of electronic devices to carry out one of “the biggest acts of mass terrorism” to date. Thousands were maimed by detonating pagers, dozens were murdered. Need I add that boobytraps contravene the laws of armed conflict? I don’t. You already knew that Israel relies for its existence on criminality.

As free marketeers, we harbor hope that Israel’s repulsive tampering with humanity’s personal devices will spur local Lebanese industries. The free market will, in future, ensure that Israel’s remote activation of sleeper devices will lend an edge to the kind of competition that advertises thus to consumers of electronic goods:

“Our products are Israel proof; they cannot kill their users.”

Long-term hopes and predictions are no panacea for unhindered carnage in progress. Israel is bleeding the region like a leech. Its high-tech murder sprees across the Middle East must be viewed, then, as actionable, S.O.S., life-and-death emergencies.

At the time of this writing hundreds are dying daily by Demon State. In Gaza’s dilapidated, destroyed hospital structures, in its schools-turned-shelters (28 desiccated on October 10), in its refugee camps, where the displaced huddle (dozens dead in Deir el-Balah); on the central-city streets of Beirut, where 22 martyrshad been offered up for the October 12 Sabbath; in mosques (19 souls taken on October 6), in municipalities, markets, en route to fetch food and water.

In dank nylon tents set ablaze, Al-Aqsa hospital patients incinerated in their beds.

A funerial rap way better than mine is the raw throb of BBOBBYY, the mysterious activist-artist who has superimposed his lachrymose lyrics on images of the crushed, dismembered and burned alive, rapped out in lamentation of “1 Year of Genocide”:

“A bomb descends and detonates, disembowels eviscerates, torsos torn, shredded bodies, no heads, girls with no legs on their deathbeds, heads without skulls, hollowed out holes, where there once were souls, dreams and goals, a father’s last cuddle in a blood-soaked puddle, a ghostly gray child hangs plucked from the rubble.”

No one is spared: children, women, their men; reporters, rescuers, healthcare workers. And peacekeepers in Lebanon. Peacekeepers, according to Professor Sachs, are one of the bedrocks on which to erect the future superstructure of peace between Israelis and Palestinians. The Blue Helmets, however, are present in Lebanon. Israel has begun picking off the United Nations’ peacekeepers, for it respects no international symbol.

In its unceasing carnage, Israel has now knocked out at least four major hospitals and 32 medical centers in Beirut, in what the Hasbara bills as “precision strikes,” in the course of “a limited incursion.”

For their part, Palestinians keep trying to nest, to return to the Sisyphean piles of rubble that are their ruined homes. But Israel will have none of that. It wants to empty Gaza north of the Wadi Gaza and is currently revisiting Northern Gaza, subjecting its dazed and confused survivors “to one of the most violent campaigns of its genocide.” So warns Euro-med Monitor. In Northern Gaza the IDF is now killing whoever remains by “saturation bombing” or by eviction—as in the renewed seize on the skeletal Kamal Adwan Hospital.

Sneers “the most moral army in the world”: The innocents murdered are mostly legitimate targets on account that third parties—Hamas, Hizballah, and Houthi fighters—are either lurking or lobbing projectiles nearby. Trust us, the Israelis smugly snarl: If a smorgasbord of humanity is killed by us—men, women, their children, their ancestors, their livestock, their land, their defenders, their storytellers—it is because the dead were either terrorists who needed killing, or were in the vicinity of terrorists who needed killing. The kills were good; the killers righteous. Besides, the killers’ lives are worth more.

An hour in the life of Israel-occupied Levant (links via Antiwar.com) looks like this:

North Gaza Attack Signals Restart of Ethnic Cleansing.
Israeli Attacks in Gaza Kill 82 Palestinians Over Three Days.
Journalist [aged 19] Killed in Israeli Bombing After Being Warned to End his Gaza Reportage.
Israel Kills 100 Children in Lebanon in 11 Days.
Israeli Strikes Target Aid Trucks in Syria.
Israeli Strike on West Bank Cafe Wipes Out Family.

Unflagging zeal for generational genocide in Gaza has meant that, so far, Israel has wiped out 900 bloodlines in the enclave. The very definition of genocide.

Hasbara Media

Israeli state terrorism is framed as self-defense.

And the West acquiesces. The malodorous cauldron of lies that is corporate media have been conditioned by Israel and its Hasbara handmaidens. Day after day, the word from the media is the same. “Locked into the two-sides paradigm,” western media still pedal hard the “possibility” that Israel’s strafing of Lebanon is legal, righteous. They still equate the bombing of the civilian structures of Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon—municipal buildings, medical clinics and hospitals, media offices and officers, first responders mid-rescue, firefighters—with “self-defense.”

State terrorism redefined as self-defense,” in the words of commentator Mouin Rabbani.

A media to whom the “punitive slaughter” of tens of thousands of civilians, the hacking of the private mobile devices of sovereign citizens (Palestinian, then Lebanese), so as to deliver sadistic, illegal marching orders—psychological warfare—to millions, scattering them hither and thither (Northen Gaza is being evicted anew); such a media’s very mission is to elide the truth for Israel. Corporate media has lost the right to write news.

A more reliable reporter from the ruins of a Beirut southern suburb is the prototypical elderly Arab gentleman, interviewed 13 minutes into a Middle East Eye segment about Israel’s Dahiyeh Doctrine: “They’re criminals. They are not fighting men with guns; they are killing women and children.”

Indeed, Israel’s perverted, purely “punitive slaughter” is made manifest in the latest documentary from acclaimed British journalist Richard Sanders, to mark one year of genocide. Israelis are on display in Gaza for the last year burning with white-hot hatred and contempt for all Palestinians (nay all Arabs), whom they clearly consider Untermensch, subhuman. Nowhere in evidence among the horribly brutalized bodies of Ghazzawi men, women and babies is combat. Nowhere in evidence are bodies of boys carrying firearms or men kitted for combat.

Even so, the only resistance to Israel’s depredations in Gaza and beyond has come from Hizballah, the Houthis and Hamas (as well as from popular militia in Iraq and Syria). These fighters are the only forces resisting the mad dog medinah (מְדִינָה is country in Hebrew), which has murdered one in every 55 Palestinians residing in Gaza.

The Responsibility To Protect

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah saw his Good Samaritan duty as an obligation, not an option.

Resistance fighters are heeding the highest calling: The “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P). Make no mistake; Israel ought to have been resisted; its victims protected. In international humanitarian and customary human rights law there is a “responsibility to protect” a community that is being evicted and eradicated. While libertarians would regard the “Responsibility To Protect” as largely voluntary;we naturallyattach great moral virtue to the Good Samaritan.

As did the late Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. Nasrallah, secretary general of Hizballah, saw his Good Samaritan duty as an obligation, not an option. His people agreed. Acting in the spirit of R2P, the “Responsibility to Protect,” Nasrallah did the honorable and principled thing: The legendary Shia leader stood foursquare with his Suni brethren in Gaza, against their Israeli mass murderers.

The world stood by during the Holocaust, even though the Final Solution and the facts of the death camps were known to the Allied powers late in the war. Mouin Rabbani, aforementioned, has thus drawn a parallel: Unlike the Allies during the Nazi extermination of Jews and other minorities; Nasrallah, a man with moxie and morals, refused to sit idle as Israel slaughtered Palestinians in Gaza. Likewise has Max Blumenthal likened Nasrallah’s disruptions on Israel’s northern border as the bombing of the railway tracks to Auschwitz. This, too, the Allied powers had failed to do.

For coming to the defense of Gaza, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah—Professor Norman Finkelstein had called him “The frankest most impressive leader on the world stage”—was martyred with American imprimatur and munitions: The payload consisted of eighty five 2000-pound, ground-penetrating bombs, “daisy chained together.” It was dropped by Israel on six apartment blocks in a residential suburb of the Dahiyeh, in four separate rounds. Hundreds of Lebanese died with Hassan Nasrallah.

In its unalloyed depravity, Israel is ever scheming on or murdering potential future adversaries. In accordance with its Killing-Just-In-Case jurisprudence, Israel has since also slain Nasrallah’s presumed successor, Hashem Safieddine, in his family home. These Prior Restraint statist doctrines are reprehensible to libertarians and liberty lovers. Yet Israel has no qualms about them. Why? Because Arabs are not allowed to entertain resistance to Israel’s crimes. (Incidentally, guess where the Kirya, Israel’s central military compound, is located? In the heart of the city of Tel Aviv. By Israel’s “morals and logic,” the Kirya and its surrounds are legitimate targets for the Resistance.)

Mowing The Lawn” is just another Israeli prior-restraint criminal tactic. In Israeli military bafflegab it’s called deterrence.

The West Bank & East Jerusalem Stolen

All that remain for the Palestinians are isolated outposts, surrounded by blockades, barrier walls, checkpoints and…state-supported terrorists.

Secure in the warm bath of Super Power support; the Israelis, already uninhibited by normal standards of behavior, have gone into overdrive. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant now comfortably and brazenly speaks of “mowing the lawn” in the occupied West Bank, between Jenin and Hebron.

Before brutalizing Lebanon’s civilians, Gallant had announced, early in September, to his largely depraved populace that,

“[T]he military has been ‘mowing the lawn’ during an ongoing major operation against terror groups in the West Bank, but will eventually need to ‘pull out the roots.’”

The current Israeli quest is to openly visit a Gaza-like annihilation on the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Genocide proper has come to the West Bank and East Jerusalem, which had only recently been invaded by columns of IDF Einsatzgruppen. The water torture has commenced. Taps have been turned off “in Jerusalem’s largest Palestinian neighborhood,” according to the reporters of the +972 magazine. Posses of settlers range across the West Bank in rampages of arson and plunder and with hubristic insolence.

Begun on August 28, the operation in the West Bank and East Jerusalem had been sadistically dubbed “Summer Camps” by IDF de Sade (by IDF standards, the eponymous Marqui de Sade was an amateur sexual sadist). The allusion is to hitting where resistance is fiercest, in the refugee camps. While the offensive against civilians is much less intense than in Gaza—no “saturation bombing” as yet—it is echoing it. “Summer Camps” is thus part of an accelerated and “concerted campaign to depopulate Palestine.”

“Under cover of war,” seconds the +972 investigative magazine, “Israel is demolishing home after home in Silwan, an East Jerusalem neighborhood, having “displac[ed] dozens of Palestinian residents this year.” The magazine, which manages somehow to sneak its reporters past Israeli snipers and into the occupied territories, confirms that “the Israeli army is destroying West Bank civilian infrastructure, blocking medical access, and conducting mass arrests in its largest West Bank operation in years.” Such arrests, 401 that we know of, mostly for offenses of speech, by the admission of The Times of Israel, are being conducted in Israel proper, too. The implicit aim, again, is to purge Palestine of Palestinians by making life relentlessly risky.

Between October 7 and September 30, of this year, there have been 895 Palestinian fatalities in the West Bank, including 201 children, reports OCHA. Again, while some strafing of civilians and their businesses from above has been carried out by the Israeli Air Force, the IDF’s grotesquely destructive efforts have focused on bulldozing roads, gutting water works and sewage mains, surrounding, destroying or just menacing mosques, markets, schools, universities, hospitals and clinics.

A desperate Bashir Matahen, director of public relations and media at the Jenin municipality, tells that, “The occupying (Israeli) forces have demolished more than 70 percent of [his] city’s streets completely (…) to a depth of approximately one to one-and-half meters, which has led to the destruction of water and sewage networks, as well as communication and electricity cables, in the areas that were demolished, initially estimated to cover 20 kilometers.”

All of which Francesca Albanese confirms. Via Ms. Albanese, UN special rapporteur to the occupied territories, comes confirmation of the reports of a full military assault on the West Bank, further damaging infrastructure already damaged in prior raids, and all the while instructing Palestinian occupants to abandon the coveted properties, and evacuate en mass. The genocidal impetus is indeed underway in the West Bank.

Palestinian dispossession in the West Bank is systemic, not sporadic. Sodomizing, strafing and stealing from occupied Palestinians—these are all in a day’s work for Israel’s finest. News, then, that Israeli hands are deep in Palestinian tills comes as no surprise: “Israel confiscated $265,000 from a money exchange shop in Hebron,” reports the Middle East Monitor.

In true obeisance to God’s laws, B’Tselem, the internationally renowned Israeli human rights organization, has also tracked the “forcible transfer of isolated Palestinian communities and single-farm families in Area C under cover of the Gaza fighting.” Between October 19, 2023 and August 29, 2024, the people of thirteen such hamlets had been removed from their ancestral lands, a way of life is being extinguished.

In an August 27 report, B’Tselem anatomized the general method by which the Israeli military assists settlers in grabbing land speedily by erecting minute-made “outposts and ‘agricultural farms.’” The trick is to informally establish facts on the ground, and thus skirt any poorly enforced legal process. By way of an example, B’Tselem deconstructs how the military assists settlers of “Meged Ha’aretz” in stealing the West Bank lands of Shufah and Kafa:

“Unlike formal multi-stage processes required to establish settlements, these [settler] outposts can be set up quickly and require relatively few resources and laborers. This method facilitates the state’s ability to shirk responsibility for land seizures as well as for the violent and illegal actions of the settlers who inhabit them, while simultaneously supporting these outposts in various ways.”

The settlers disturb the farmers working their land, deliberately provoking them and creating friction. They have also caused damage to hundreds of olive trees, agricultural structures, water containers and property; stolen equipment and livestock; sprayed graffiti; and burned greenhouses. They have instilled constant fear in the farmers and taken control of land by shooting in the air, intimidating Palestinian shepherds and preventing them from grazing their sheep and cattle in the area. Due to the violence and difficulty to access their grazing lands, some farmers have been forced to sell their herds—as feeding their livestock with purchased feed is too costly.’

Their guns at the ready, the IDF soldiers look on as settlers rampage through West Bank villages, burning, looting and, yes, murdering. These Settler Pogroms are covered extensively by Oren Ziv of +972. On September 2, B’Tselem documented how “undercover Border Police extrajudicially executed a military wing operative in front of bystanders in the Jenin industrial zone.” Arrests? What for? Nothing to see here. Move along. “If you try to defend yourself, you’re dead,’” attest the Palestinian victims. Resist the IDF and you die sans due process of the law.

Heroically have the Palestinian farmer s and sheepherders of the South Hebron Hills struggled to uphold their ancestral lifestyle. They live in daily fear for their lives and the lives of family and livestock. How much longer can they linger without urgent and active intervention to uphold their basic rights to life, liberty and property?

Notwithstanding settler land theft en masse, a lot of people are staying with the story of the two-state solution. What about it, then?

The Two-State Solution Killed

The object of any future Palestinian State must be security, first, not amity, and a ‘Never Again’ mindset.

There is slim to no chance of a contiguous Palestinian State alongside Israel, given that Israel’s settlement policy in the West Bank has ensconced near one-million Jews on Palestinian land throughout the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Monomaniacally focused, state-supported outlaw settlers are violently stealing Palestinian land as we speak. Close to a million of them, if we include East Jerusalem. All that remain for the Palestinians are isolated outposts, surrounded by blockades, barrier walls, checkpoints and…state-supported terrorists.

To the extent it was ever sincere, the two-state solution was killed by Israel and “the Israeli state’s auxiliary armed forces,” Dr. Rabbani’s moniker for the settlers. The coming into being of a contiguous Palestinian territory has been made impossible.

Considering that settlers and their ideology have tentacular reach into Israeli institutions, civil and state—the chances for a two-state solution are vanishingly small. Take the judiciary: Punishment for settler land theft and other felony crimes perpetrated against Palestinians in occupied Palestine is almost unheard of, as illustrated in the chapter, “Israel’s Law Of Rule In The West Bank,” in the essay “Defending Gaza (II): Israel Engaged In The Mother Of All Performative Contradictions: Denying Genocide, While Committing Genocide, Effectively Asserting A Right To Genocide.” B’Tselem has published countless research exposéson the marriage between the Israeli State and its settler “auxiliary armed forces.

Even the idea of “the two peoples, getting along, and actually drawing strength from each other” is Panglossian, at this stage. (Pangloss is the “unfailingly optimistic character” in Candide, Voltaire’s 1759 “satire on philosophical optimism.”)

Palestinians have been martyred en masse by their Jewish supremacist neighbors, who’ve shown themselves to be mired, as a society, in unspeakable debaucheries, and uncommonly capable of exterminating Palestinian survivors.

Who would fall into such a homicidal trap again?

Given the threat to their very existence, Palestinians must not be forced into existential ennui by the West. They already are like a mouse before a cat. Given this reality, the object of any future Palestinian State must be security, first, not amity with Israel. That, and a “Never Again” mindset. Any future Palestinian State is useless unless it affords the most imperiled people in the world the ability to defend against the most perilous people in the world.

Living Alongside Serial-Killing Sexual Sadists

The pairing, in Israel, of sexual arousal and violence toward Palestinians makes for a particularly irremediable pathology, the stuff of serial killers.

Israel’s bacchanalia in Gaza and the West Bank includes a Gulag of clandestine rendition torture camp, wherein thousands of Palestinian detainees languish without charges or due process, and are systemically and systematically raped, beaten, starved and left traumatized, twisted and deformed, disabled or dead. (“Something very sick and evil is happening in Israel’s jails. Welcome to hell is not an exaggeration,” reports the legendary Peter Oborne.)

Honed in rendition torture camps, sexual violence has become the coin of the Greater Israel realm. Settler-conquerors now roam the hamlets of the South Hebron Hills, out, loud and proud in threatening rape. Apparently, raping another helpless man is considered manly in Israel, a country that is otherwise more woke than any in the West.

In the one unremarkable vignette, filmed by B’Tselem, an armed settler threatens a Palestinian farmer in the South Hebron Hills with rape. “Rape in the name of God,” a la Sde Teiman, promises settler Shem Tov Luski, to a horrified Palestinian.

In yet another typical settler vignette, Turkish TV captured a uniformed IDF manhandling himself on camera, in a manner not fit to print. Reflexively. Apparently, threatening a helpless group of Palestinian homesteaders has aroused this IDF.

Holy Redemption: Stealing Palestinian Land,” a TRT World Exclusive documentary, plainly follows and records these settlers in character. There is no editorializing. Twenty-nine minutes and 20 seconds into this TRT settler odysseywe find said IDF soldier, in cahoots with settlers, hissing: “I spit on Palestine. F-ck your mother. I’m the Israeli Army.” He is not done.

Just as I imagined this breed of Cain could not expose itself as more indecent, the hissing, uniformed IDF soldier comes close to indecent exposure. At the said timestamp, the atavistic, low-brow individual shows himself to be lacking the inhibitions to keep his perversion private.

The Palestinian olive growers and shepherds of the austere Hebron Hills are necessarily a Spartan people. For centuries they have made things grow despite arid soil and the scarcity of water. They look like they belong; like authentic outdoor folk. The Settlers, on the other hand, look ridiculous. Out of place. In marked contrast to the dignity of the Palestinians of the Hebron Hills, settler flotsam and jetsam are an epitome of degeneracy.

Why, then, would Palestinians, a traditional, rather regal people, wish to “draw strength” and inspiration, in the future, from their genocidal neighbors, the great Israeli unwashed, who’ve done to them things that make the thickest skin crawl?

This I ask in the context of peacemaking—for also talked up among some is a utopic time when “the two peoples [Jewish-Israeli and Palestinian] will get along, and actually draw strength from each other.”

Daily, the Palestinians’ closest neighbors, the settlers, make manifest their red-hot hatred toward them, stealing land, regularly slaughtering helpless livestock with biblical cruelty, and generally menacing Palestinian property owners. Most disturbing is the overt, perverted sexual sadism of settlers and their soldier helpers.

The Nazis, whose spiritual heirs Israel is shaping up to be, paradoxically, hid their systematic crimes against humanity; Israeli Jews—a majority, at least—either celebrate or are callously nonchalant about felonies, perversions and crimes against Palestinians.

Israeli shamelessness is the quality that has helped the Al Jazeera Investigation Unit (IU) commit to a database thousands of videos, photos and social media posts “posted online by Israeli soldiers themselves during the year-long genocide” in the Gaza Strip.

The exultant whoops of individual IDF soldiers, mid murder, are now part of a dossier, a database. “Where possible, the Investigation Unit has identified the posters and those who appear,” leaving the International Criminal Court (ICC) with little else to do but to verify, and then initiate criminal proceedings. (Small wonder IDF squirrels are frantically deleting their social media accounts pursuant to the airing of “War Crimes in Gaza,” and to the filing, by Belgium’s “Hind Rajab Foundation,” of a complaint to the ICC against at least 1000 IDF putative war criminals.)

Israel’s soldier sons and daughters are the stars in the country’s genocide constellation. In addition to “a range of illegal activities, from wanton destruction and looting to the demolition of entire neighborhoods and murder,” what emerges most palpably from “War Crimes in Gaza,” and from my own year-long observations, is the sexual undercurrent that accompanies IDF sadism—from pilfering Palestinian women’s panties to raping their men.

The nub and the rub of it: How do you extinguish, for the purpose of peacemaking, pathologically murderous sexual arousal? Do you chemically castrate IDF soldiers and settlers?

What of Israeli society? It, too, is a picture of moral decadence. Israeli sofa tv pundits are as chatty and blasé about “mowing the lawn” as they are about the sexual rupturing of Palestinian anatomy. Israelis themselves have partied on. It’s vodka in the bars, volleyball on the beaches. All the while, a few kilometers south of this Dionysian debauchery is genocide. Watch f ootage montage from Israel proper. Down south of the coast from these frolicking Israelis, on Gaza’s shores, fishermen are blown out of the waters should they try to fish to feed their families. (“How Israel destroyed Gaza’s ability to feed itself,” Al Jazeera, July 2, 2024.)

And what other country proudly names one of its killer creeds, the “Dahiyeh Doctrine,” “after an area of Beirut” where it had perfected its predation? No other than Israel.

Israel is the proud promulgator of the immoral, illegal “doctrine of inflicting massive harm to civilians,” perversely named for its victims. Imagine a serial killer, Randall Woodfield, for example—he hunted along Highway I-5—calling his killer craft the “Highway I-5 Doctrine.” Imagine Wikipedia describing Woodfield as originator of the “I-5 Doctrine.”

By all accounts, special prestige is attached in Jewish-Israeli society to the perpetrators of the kind of crimes that “knock the cosmos out of kilter.”

Rescue Plan Required, Not A Political Strategy

When a serial killer is loosed in your neighborhood; crime-reduction social programs are not the things you reach for.

Imagine your 911 dispatcher answering your “I am dying, send help” emergency call with, “We are working on community based, crime-reduction strategies.” By extension, boycotts and embargoes relate to Israel mid-murder as crime-reduction policies relate to a crime in progress.

It would seem fair to surmise, then, that stopping an ideology—Israel’s genocidal mindset or America’s sacralization of Israel—is a long-term endeavor, a strategy. A strategy, political or other, does not a rescue plan make. A long-term strategy is not the answer to an S.O.S. life-and-death situation.

When a serial killer is loosed in your neighborhood; crime-reduction social programs or political strategies are not the things you reach for.

Crime-reduction strategies, in the case of Israel, are those long-term incentive-based plans to increase humanity’s safety and security, by disincentivizing an entity that has proven to constitute a danger to the comity and safety of nations.

The private, voluntary, slow-motion Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS)movement “works to end international support for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law.” Voluntary economic boycotts on Israel and mandatory state embargoes on shipments of weapons to Israel: these are all well and good. But they are long-term strategies, not S.O.S. interventions in regional mass murder ongoing; these are not solutions to the problem of a mass murderer loosed on the Near East.

Israel is a promiscuous and licentious killer. To the mass-murdering medinah, the lives of Arabs are as cheap as the talk we in the West deploy about “stopping Israel.”

We’ve watched all of civilization’s edifices destroyed by Israel—from the sanctity of life, liberty and property to well-meaning legal frameworks designed to uphold these inalienable individual rights.

Israel, moreover, is humanity’s most barbaric instantiation. Not only does it targethumanity’s most vulnerable, but also its finest and noblest; the people we most rely on: altruistic aid and rescue workers, healers in their clinics ministering to their patients, peace activists, writers, reporters and intellectuals recording the crimes for posterity.

For the better part of a year, we the people of Rome’s provinces have appealed to Rome on the Potomac. The magnificent, human rights and rescue community has “warned” and cajoled the Axis of Genocide—begged anyone they could buttonhole—while working and dying with their Palestinian charges in the field.

No petition to the United States has worked so far. America is not the solution, it’s the problem. On top of its already strong presence in the region as a standby and backup to its cheerless satellite—the United States is now sending Israel “an advanced anti-missile system and soldiers to operate it,” symbolically, at least, deepening America’s craven commitment to Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza, the West Bank and their regional defenders.

Because he considers Israel a rib from the United States’ rib cage, Matthew Miller at Foggy Bottom gives us The Talk: “We’re calling on our Israeli allies to improve their ways in war, to look into this or that massacre having spontaneously materialized in Palestine. These massacres are indeed very disturbing.”

Wryly, Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah, Palestinian activist and thinker, offers up an apt syllogism for this American-Israeli stagecraft, 58 minutes into a conversation with journalist extraordinaire Rania Khalek:

“These reports of young men and women disappearing across America, and showing up brutally murdered are very disturbing. We ask Charles Manson, and John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer to carry out a very serious investigation and to hold those responsible accountable. It is really important that we hold people accountable, so we would really like Jeffrey Dhamer and John Wayne Gacy and Charles Manson to investigate this. And, the United State will work with them to do that.”

We cannot be lulled into the torpor of such talk.

Bullies must be stood up to and stopped. By definition, a bully is a coward. A bully, especially one imbued with a messianic, millenarian sense of supremacy, understands one thing: a united show of force. Israel’s regional serial killing needs to be stopped forthwith, and by force!

The attitude of the Arab countries, the Arab League, has been to let Israel do what it wants just so long as they were not the ones being targeted. But then they were.

The nub and the rub: War on civilians is a war on civilization. The coward’s aggression must be forcefully and righteously countered.

The Israeli State, which continues to operate outside the remits of man-made law and God’s law, must be defanged. You don’t negotiate with Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer…

The plan to stop Israel will have to involve righteous, regional, counterforce. Details next.



Ilana Mercer is paleolibertarian author, essayist and theorist. Her new book is “The Paleolibertarian Guide To Deep Tech, Deep Pharma & The Aberrant Economy” (February 2024). Mercer is described as “a system-builder. Distilled, her modus operandi has been to methodically apply first principles to the day’s events.” She’s Jewish and grew up in Israel from which she fled, aged 19, never to return.

Published by Unz.com


Republished by The 21st Century

The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 21cir.com


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